- Born in Logan, Utah
- Parents are Monty and Sherri
- Enjoys playing basketball, fishing, golf and spending time with his family and friends
- Majoring in exercise science
Before BYU
- Prepped at Mountain Crest High
- Earned 14 all-state awards in cross country and track and field
- Was a nine-time state champion: cross country (2006), 400m (2007), 1600m (2006-2007), 800m (2005-2007) and two-time state champion as the anchor for the medley relay (2006-2007)
Indoor -
- MWC All-Conference (4x400 Relay 2009)
- MWC Championship Team (2009, 2010)
Outdoor -
- MWC All-Conference (800m 2009)
- MWC Championship Team (2009, 2010)