Ryan Keele - Up Close

Nickname: Keelebasa

Favorite cold cereal: Special K to keep my fantastic figure.

What is your favorite Gary Crowton quote: "Prepare to win."

Why did you choose to play football over other sports: I was physically impared (chubby)

Before a football game, I: Eat bagels.

How did you spend your off-season: Going to school and conditioning.

Who has had the greatest influence on your football career and why: My wife, she is always supportive.

What do you want to be doing 20 years from now: Be retired.

Who is the best player you've ever faced: Isaac Herring.

The dirtiest team I've ever played is: BYU

What would you like to do sometime in your life: Get my pilot's license.

One place you would like to visit: Australia.

If you could play another position, what would it be: Quarterback.

How did you select your jersey number: It was my brother's number.

What is your favorite hobby or activity away from football: Family outings.

People say I look like: My Dad.

My favorite professor or most interesting class I've taken at BYU: Norm Nemrow, accounting.

What is your most memorable athletic achievement or moment: The day I pancaked Justin Ena in Memphis.

If you had to give up all of your possessions except one, what would be the one thing you kept and why: I have no good possessions.

My advice to youngsters: Work hard and don't procrastinate.

If I were on "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, the person I'd call for my lifeline is and why: My wife, she thinks she knows everything.

If I could invite any three people to dinner who would they be: Isaac, Scott and Ben, they can eat a lot of food.

On game day: My Dad drives from Othello, Wash., and my brothers and sisters watch the boobtube.

How did you find out about the September 11 tragedy: I came home from 6:30 a.m. workouts and it was all over the TV. I went and woke my wife up to watch.