Blue and White Game Answers Questions


PROVO -- Fans of the BYU women's soccer team got their first look at the 2003 team Tuesday night as the Cougars held their annual Blue and White Game at South Stadium where the Blue team came out on top 5-2.

For BYU coaches it was their first opportunity to see the young Cougars in a game situation playing at full speed. "I couldn't be more pleased," said head coach Jennifer Rockwood commenting on the performance of her team. "I am really excited for how strong our freshman are looking."

Junior Jennifer Fielding had an impressive outing as she scored four goals in three periods of play. Seniors Aleisha Rose and Lydia Ojuka, and sophomore Brooke Thulin each added a goal of their own during the scrimmage.

Going into the scrimmage the Cougars had some uncertainty on defense, but freshmen Claire Thomas and Nicole Jensen turned in strong performances for BYU. "I was nervous when the game started," said Rockwood, "but Thomas and Jensen both stepped up and were solid, answering one big question that we had."

The Cougars will host an exhibition game against Nevada-Reno on Friday, August 22 at 7:00 p.m. at South Stadium, before beginning the regular season at home against No. 17 Michigan on Friday, August 29.