Lindsy Humphrey - Making a Change


Having a starting player missing from the media guide on a nationally recognized soccer team is not too common. But that's only the beginning of the story for BYU's Lindsy Humphrey, a junior from Bellevue, Wash.

"I had no idea I would be starting right now," Lindsy said. "I just wanted to accomplish my goal and continue to play soccer."

Lindsy came to BYU as a walk-on transfer this year from the University of Washington. After only three games with the Cougars, she was awarded a starting role in an unfamiliar position.

"I was really surprised to play defense [against Northwestern]," Lindsy said. "They didn't tell me beforehand or anything; they just popped it on me right before the half. My teammates were like, 'You can do it Lindsy!'"

Lindsy, who traditionally plays as an attacking midfielder, is adjusting to the change in position.

"We needed someone on defense who could connect and play possession out of the back," BYU head coach Jennifer Rockwood said. "Lindsy has proven to adapt well to that position."

Lindsy indicated it will take time to become accustomed to her new position on the field.

"It's been a big change because I feel like there's a lot more pressure in the back line," Lindsy said. "It'll take a while to get comfortable back there, because there's no one behind you."

The decision to leave the University of Washington did not come easily for Lindsy. To complicate matters further, the Huskies are ranked No. 4 nationally this year.

"It was the hardest decision I've had to make," she said. "I loved the team there, but I couldn't stand playing on Sundays anymore. The whole time I was praying whether it was right for me. One day I kind of just received my answer ... that if you're going to put God first in your life, you're going to keep the Sabbath day holy. It was so clear and I knew that's what I had to do."

Eight months later, Lindsy was on the soccer field again trying out for BYU.

"I was very intimidated and kind of shy because I didn't know anyone," she said. "I noticed everyone's individual skill and I was so amazed. Two years ago, I never thought I would be playing at BYU. It's amazing how things happen."

From a coaching standpoint, Rockwood has nothing but praise for Humphrey's play this year.

"Her coach at Washington spoke very highly of her, both as a player and a person," Rockwood said. "Lindsy is very hard-working and very much a team player. She's a quiet player who leads by example and she's earned a lot of respect from her teammates. We've been extremely pleased with her as an addition to our team."

Lindsy's teammates also recognized the impact she has had on and off the field.

"Our defense struggled at the beginning of the season," junior forward Jaime Rendich said. "Lindsy really helped us out back there. She's aggressive and physical. She always thinks about others and doesn't just worry about herself."

Lindsy got her start in soccer at age eight. Ironically, she started playing at the same position she currently plays-right defense.

"I started playing when I was eight, and I didn't have a clue about the positions," she said. "When I played 'rec' soccer, I played goalkeeper and I got eight goals scored on me. I knew from then on that I wasn't meant to be a goalkeeper."

Her father, John Humphrey, said Lindsy's defining attribute is her determination.

"She's just very determined," John said. "She has the attitude of, 'You're not getting past me with that ball.'"

John related a story in which Lindsy took personal responsibility to win a high school game. Starting at the half line, she dribbled the ball past four or five defenders to score a goal in the final two minutes that preserved a win for her team.

"After it was over, she told us, 'They were not going to win that game,'" John said.

In addition to soccer, Lindsy is an avid badminton player. She played badminton throughout high school and lettered every year she played.

"My family is not athletic, so badminton was the only thing we did," Lindsy said. "But it helped with my agility and quickness."

John said that in her junior year of high school, she went undefeated.

"Badminton was a family tradition started by her older sister, Leslie," John said. "Three of her older sisters played. Lindsy's a great player, and she'll run you all over the court."

As far as her career is concerned, Lindsy said she plans on going into the communications field in the future.

"I'd like to go into public relations and do something with sports," she said. "I've been so involved with it that I'd like to do something with sports in the future."

When asked about the recent success of the University of Washington, Lindsy acknowledged her former team's accomplishment.

"The girls at U-dub [Washington] are all awesome," she said. "I'm really proud of them. But I hope we beat them in playoffs or something."

Lindsy said she is excited to be playing for the Cougars and said she has never looked back on her decision.

"I have no regrets," she said. "I'm just so happy that I stuck through everything and I did it. I love the team and I love the girls. The coaches are great and I couldn't ask for anything better."

Rockwood couldn't agree more.

"She's done a tremendous job for us," Rockwood said. "She's just been a huge contribution to the program."