Up Close: Josh Rohatinsky


Greatest BYU cross country memory: This last season at nationals when we took first place.

Favorite Ed Eyestone quote: Before work outs he says, "roll out" which is his way of telling us it's time to go.

My number one aspiration in life is: Settle down, have a family and have a job that I enjoy doing. Be able serve other people ... go on a couples mission.

If I could be on a Reality TV show, it would be: Survivor. I think it would be fun to compete with people like that. I like physical challenges.

Favorite music group/artist: Weezer

Favorite movie: Shawshank Redemption

Favorite book: To Kill a Mockingbird

I get ready for a meet by: Focusing and relaxing

My greatest accomplishment in life is: Having served a mission to Uruguay

If I wear any running shoe, it would be: Spike racing shoes

Nickname: Rohat (first five letters last name)

Best opponent I have faced: As a freshman, I raced against Bernard Lagat, from Kenya, who won a bronze metal in the Sydney Olympics the year before we raced.

Favorite cold cereal: Lucky Charms

I chose cross country over other sports because: I found it more challenging and rewarding than other sports.

Who has had the greatest influence on my running career and why: My Dad, because he ran at BYU back in the day. When I was a little kid he would take me to USA track and field meets.

If I could play another sport it would be: Basketball, or football. I played those sports in high school on city leagues.

What is my favorite hobby or activity away from cross country: We only get a week or two off between seasons. I go play racketball or basketball.

My favorite professor or most interesting class I've taken at BYU: My Econ 110 with professor Kearl. I look up to him by the way he teaches. I think if we had more prof like him people would enjoy learning more. In fact, i even go to his class now.

My advice to youngsters: do what you enjoy doing, if you don't enjoy it then it's not worth doing.

Interesting fact most people don't know about me: I'm an insane ping pong player. I think it would be cool to go to the Olympics for pp and track in the same year.

If you could invite any three people to dinner who would they be: Three close friends.