Mendenhall: Our Focus is our Next Opponent


Opening Comments:

I was pleased with the way we played against TCU. Most of the comments I made after our game, I stand by and I think they were accurate. To me it was the most complete game we've played to this point. Our team demonstrated heart and I think our identity is becoming much more clear. We are making progress, still with room to improve, and we look forward to doing that with our next opponent--on the road with Wyoming.

Wyoming had a very disappointing game last Saturday, what would you anticipate Wyoming's mindset will be entering Saturday's game?

I expect a refocused, rededicated and an identity type of game from their program. Not that they need a different identity at home because at home they are 4-1, but they are 1-4 on the road. They have a chance to go back to where they have played well and where they are clear on how they compete and how they execute. They demonstrated that the entire year, so I think this will be a pivotal game for their program in terms of re-establishing.

Wyoming had a tough game at Utah over the weekend. Do you think there is a danger of your players looking past this game and to the rivalry game against Utah?

If they do, it will be one of the most disappointing things that has happened since I have been coaching. The focus has been on one game at a time, with the next game being the most important. If anyone, the players, coaching staff, the secretaries, or if anyone else looks past the opponent we are playing on a given week, I'll be disappointed because they haven't been paying attention for the past three years.

If you were to put your hand on one reason why they haven't had very much success, would it be turnovers?

I think turnovers could be pointed to. I like to focus mainly on our program, but as I am focusing on an opponent and from the film that I have watched this morning, there seems to be a slightly different confidence at home versus on the road. Turnovers might have something to do with that, it terms of decision-making. What I have to focus on, and what our team has to focus on, is their capabilities at home. They play very well at home and coming off the loss they just had, I expect a game that will be very emotional and very hard fought.

I'm not sure how much you are aware of the Utah-Wyoming controversy, but how much responsibility falls on the winning coach to not embarrass the other team?

I was not aware of the situation until I was briefed just before the press conference. I don't think it's appropriate for me to address, or be in the middle of, whatever happened prior to or during that game. Our focus, and my intent, is to run a program that is full of class and integrity and can be consistent regardless of victory or defeat. We need to focus on our program and I need to do the best that I can with that.

BYU is looking for their first two-game win streak in Laramie since 1992, could you describe that atmosphere and environment there?

It is one of the most difficult places I have ever played. I wasn't aware of the streak, but it doesn't surprise me. It's a place where the local community has clearly adopted the team. They play a physical game. I'm not sure if this is the right word, but they play with a chip on their shoulder. When you go in there, they have something to prove. It is very difficult to come in a get out with a victory. It is one of the most difficult places to play. It is a whole identity they claim in that arena and the Wyoming program has done an excellent job with it.

BYU is the only team with two or fewer losses not in the top-25, Air Force is the only team with eight wins not in the top 25, BYU and Utah are the only teams with winning streak of five games or longer that are not in the top-25. Is the Mountain West getting enough respect in your eyes?

I think the statistics would say no. Respect and credibility come with visibility and I've learned that as we have gone. There is nothing I can do about that but keep our team winning and run a program that has the right values to represent this place. At some point we will be acknowledged and that will be whenever, by whoever chooses to acknowledge us. All I can do as the head coach is to make sure we are worthy when we are recognized.

Could you describe the thinking with Fui Vakapuna. Are you trying to get him back by giving him more reps?

He still isn't at the same level that he was prior to his injury in terms of confidence, in terms of execution and in terms of productivity. None of those things are at the point that I would like them or where he would like them to be, especially with as well as Harvey Unga is playing. It is a unique dynamic to get another back to help Unga with the volume. At some point, the productivity needs to be merited in and of itself. Most of the times we substitute because the volume is an issue, conditioning is an issue and the wear and tear in an issue.

We still have three conference games to go. Our hope is to get him up to speed with quality situations and quality reps to let him develop knowing that down the stretch we are going to need both backs. Our plan with Fui is to get him back to where he was before his injury and the only way to do that is through game repetition. We're managing when we put him in, the situations we give him and how well Unga is playing at that point.

With the injury to Quinn Gooch, who will play the safety position?

Kellen Fowler played over 30 plays against TCU and I anticipate him being the starter going into next week. Most likely, we will cross-train Ben Criddle at safety, knowing we have Andre Saulsberry at the boundary corner. So, we'll take Ben Criddle and give him some backup work behind Kellen Fowler at the free safety and then Scott Johnson will be moved up and get more reps at boundary corner when we move Ben to free safety. Scott has also been cross-trained at the safety position.