Tee Time: Esteban Calisto


How old were you when you first started playing golf? 3 years old.

What has been the highlight of your athletic career? Player of the Year in Ecuador 2004, 2005

What is the toughest golf course you've ever played on? Mirasol in Palm Beach, FL.

What is your favorite golf course? Quito Tennis and Golf Club "El Condado"

If you could change anything about golf, what would you change? It's a perfect game.

Who is your favorite athlete? Jeferson Perez

Who is the most famous person you have met? Todd Miller.

If you could have dinner with any three people, who would you invite? Dad, Tiger, Jack Nicklaus

What is your favorite city to visit? Quito, Ecuador

Who is the first person you call after a tournament? Dad

What is your favorite holiday? Christmas, because I feel close to my family.

What is your favorite color? Cobalt

Favorite television show? Ugly Betty

Favorite thing about BYU in general? the golf team