Below are quotes from athletes and coaches:
Joey Nokes - BYU Men's Cross Country
“There's been a lot of prayers that have been said in preparation for this race. But out of all the prayers that were said, I think one prayer was most important was after the race. The crowds dispersed, and there were only us, men and women left there. We got together and bowed our heads. Coach Eyestone gave us a prayer, and it was a prayer of gratitude, not for the victory, but for our bodies and for our team. It was for the ability to race hard and for each other. It was such a sweet prayer. I believe that that prayer of gratitude is more important than the other prayers, because it shows Heavenly Father, when things go right and we feel like we're the ones that are on top, it's really Him. He's the one that has given us our bodies and given us the opportunity to race and so I'm grateful for our coach and the prayers that have been said, especially that prayer of gratitude.”
Lexy Halladay-Lowry - BYU Women's Cross Country
“This year was very imperfect, but without all the imperfections, the outcome of today would not have happened. I believe that deep in my soul, and I can speak for everyone up here when I say that we relied heavily on God and heavily with the relationship that we have and through the divine power of prayer. I just feel so lucky to be part of the Gospel and to have that instant line to our Heavenly Father, because I would not have made it throughout this season and without having that constant communication with God and without a coach who constantly reminded me to rely on that relationship. It's bigger than me, it's bigger than this team and it's bigger than the sport.”
Ed Eyestone - BYU Men's Head Coach
"Even in our best moments, we need to remember to give gratitude. I hope that this Thanksgiving time we can remember to do that. That we can gather together with our loved ones. Whether at the Thanksgiving table, whatever occasion it might be, and that we might share our love, that we might share our gratitude, that we might share our appreciation for those positive enablers in our life. I'm grateful every day to be able to come to my job, work with these amazing student athletes, see their faith, see their determination, see their love of Heavenly Father of the Gospel and our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.”
Diljeet Taylor - BYU Women's Head Coach
“I wasn't quite sure how this morning was going to go, but the power of prayer is real. I felt peace this morning when I prayed with my women prior to the gun going off, that whatever was supposed to happen would happen. The most important thing in this season is that the women felt His love and my love. I'm really proud that we got the win today. What I'm really, really proud of is these women who have learned to become vulnerable in their relationships, not just with me, but they've watched and committed to each other, and their relationship with God has grown. I get to have a first row seat watching that happen. Ultimately, it's not about the gold trophy, it's about who they're becoming. While I'm grateful that the trophy came along with who they're becoming, I'm really proud to be their coach. I love being at BYU. I love the leadership that we have and all the ways that I get to represent the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, but most importantly that I get to belong to these women.”