Born in Salt Lake City...parents are Verl and Sue...served an LDS Church mission to Chicago, Ill., an Eagle Scout...married Rocky Wilson, a former BYU cheerleader, in January, 1996...they are parents to twin sons Jacob and Jordan born on February 9, 1998...Cliff's older brothers, Kevin (1985-86) and Bryce (1988-94), were wide receivers for BYU...younger brother, Brandon, is a quarterback for BYU...brothers-in-law, Bob Jensen (1986-87), quarterback, and Alan Pollard (1984-86), basketball, played for BYU...recruited by Army, Air Force, Stanford, UCLA, and Washington ... majoring in exercise physiology.
Before BYU
Lettered three times in football and track and twice in basketball at Skyline High...Gatorade Player of the Year for Utah...Street and Smith's pre-season All-America...two-time captain...led team to a 32-5 record in football as a quarterback, receiver, cornerback and return was state champs as a junior and runners up as a senior...coached by Roger Dupaix (BYU).