- Born in Cocoa Beach, Florida
- Parents are Todd and Debra Rapp
- Likes traveling, trying new foods, hiking and reading
- Majoring in chemical engineering
Before BYU
- Prepped at both Cy-Fair and Bastrop High Schools
- Team captain and most valuable runner for three years at Bastrop High
- Team captain and most valuable runner as a senior at Cy-Fair High
- Four-year regional qualifier in cross country
- Four-year regional qualifier in track
- Holds school records at Cy-Fair and Bastrop High Schools in the 1600m and the 3200m
- 2007 Congress Avenue Mile Qualifier
- Member of the environmental club
- Member of the National Honor Society
PERSONAL BESTS: 3000m- 10:15.93; 5000m- 17:52.11; 10000m- 36:42.94